Home Health Subclinical acne- “comedonal acne”

Subclinical acne- “comedonal acne”

by Deep dickens
Subclinical acne- "comedonal acne"

Subclinical acne– how having a clean mask might stop it 

If trying google to finding ways to get rid of re-occurring acne especially around areas covered by a mask. Subclinical acne as dermatologists calls “comedonal acne” appears as a small bump on the face which is a red or pink bump that is not similar to cystic acne which occurs beneath the skin.

Being sensitive about your skin and how other people perceive you is a very difficult thing and considering that is nearly impossible to wear a face mask and make-up at the same time. There are times when you stare at the mirror and wonder why this thing is not going away and why others keep reappearing.

Michele Green MD of real self refers to subclinical acne as trivial acne found under the skin. This type of acne is either genetically, hormonal or dead skin and bacteria that clog the pores.

subclinical acne

If this skin condition is worrying you, it is recommended to treat the underlying issue whether it is hormones, dead skin, oily skin, or genetics instead of sticking for temporary methods. Make sure in your treatment of acne you prevent new blemishes instead of trying to cure old ones because the cycle always repeats.

causes of acne.

  • acne bacteria (P. acnes)
  • clogged pores (dead skin cells and oil)
  • excess oil production
  • inflammation
  • excess hormonal activity (androgens) leading to an increase of sebum production

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Dermatologist advise dealing with subclinical acne “comedonal acne”

Adarsh Vijay Mudgil MD of Mudgil dermatology says that the easiest way to deal with comedonal acne is basic hygiene. He suggests cleaning your face twice daily with a soft cleanser and using comedogenic-free products for example makeup, sunscreen ad moisturizers. He says that the facial products you use for sunscreen, makeup, and moisturizer might be the cause of your woes.

aloe vera gel 

Dr. Vijay recommends a retinoid cream and benzoyl peroxide products prescription, except for pregnant and nursing mums.

Home treatment for subclinical acne

BHAs and retinoids prescriptions 

Beta-hydroxy acid BHA and salicylic acid exfoliate the skin and prevent your facial pores from blocking. Retinoid is the best treatment for visible or invisible acne. Tretinoin is the active ingredient in most retinoids, it reduces the formation of early clogged pores or macro conditions by streamlining the formation of pore opening cells.

The fewer the number of dead skin cells will lead to the ultimate reduction of subclinical acne leaving you with a baby’s skin. Tretinoin also has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it suitable for other acne types.

Over the counter treatments

According to Greatist one of the best self-care sites, BHA containing products with supplements such as benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, and niacinamide are available. they include:

  • Adapalene 0.1 percent gel.
  • Differin
  • Laroche-Posay

Take a precaution to avoid drying your skin, apply a moisturizer to keep your skin moist, or opt for the gel version for oily skin.


Healthy skin tips.

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid dairy and sugary foods as they have acne increasing tendencies.
  • Use a smooth cleanser to remove oil and dead skin.
  • Use retinoid, BHA, and salicylic-containing treatments.
  • Moisturize and apply sunscreen.
  • Avoid picking on the pimples.
  • Manage stress
  • wash your mask and pillowcases regularly.

Also read:

What is retinol skin care?


Always wash your face and treat your skin right for it to be amazing. Cleaning regularly even when no pimples are popping is the best way to enjoy youthful and childlike skin.

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martinn kinyua March 17, 2021 - 4:53 am

great work


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